Frente Revolucionária de Timor Leste Independente


Coordenador – Geral

Eng. Samuel Freitas

Vice CoordenadorGeral

Alexnadre Pinto


Samuel Freitas (00351-913892252)

e-mail :

Residência Universitária de Santiago, bl. 4, 3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal.

quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2009

Intervensaun Presidenti EUA nian SE Barack Obama iha ONU Assembleia Geral Horseik

Husi: FRETILIN Média
Husi Intervensaun Presidenti EUA nian SE Barack Obama iha ONU Assembleia Geral Horseik:

Iha nia discurso ba Nasoens Unidas horseik, Presidenti Barack Obama temi Timor-Leste iha nia intervensaun, nudar preokupasaun katak ita nia paz no estabilidade seidauk metin. Ida nee rekonesimentu katak ita nia estadu sei fragil hela, no katak orgaun soberania hotu tenke resepita malu atu harii estabilidade no paz, no estadu de direitu demokratiku iha ita nia rain. Original no tradusaun mak hanesan tuirmai:

Obama (Original iha Ingles): “That is why we will strengthen our support for effective peacekeeping, while energizing our efforts to prevent conflicts before they take hold. We will pursue a lasting peace in Sudan through support for the people of Darfur, and the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, so that we secure the peace that the Sudanese people deserve. And in countries ravaged by violence – from Haiti to Congo to East Timor – we will work with the UN and other partners to support an enduring peace.”

Obama (Tetum): “Tamba nee duni mak ami sei halo esforso bot liu atu apoia manutensaun paz, iha mesmo tempu ami fo forsa bot liu tan ba esforso atu prevene konflitu molok sira mosu metin. Ami sei buka tuir paz neebe sai metin ba kleur iha Sudaun liu husi apoiu ba Povu Dafur nian, no ba implementasaun Akordu Kompreensivu ba Paz, atu nune ita bele hametin paz neebe Povu Sudaun merese. No iha rain neebe iha violensia barak – husi Haiti too Congo too Timor-Leste – ami sei servisu ho ONU no sira nia parseirus atu fo apoiu ba hetan paz ida neebe bele kleur.”